Abraham’s faith is tested with Isaac

Genesis 22:1-19 GNT
(checking story length...)
GEN 21:5





HEB 6:13-14



HEB 11:17-19



An ApplicationBe sure to see this story for what it is. Abraham did not grow up nor live in as individual-centered of a culture as we do today. The most important thing in self-centered people's lives might be their car, computer, spouse, a favorite toy, their attractiveness, or money. For Abraham, the most important thing in his life was having a son. That's why God tested him in this way, to see if Abraham would put God first, above even the thing Abraham wanted more than anything else on earth.

Connect the DotsAbraham would have passed Jesus's test in MT 10:37. The prophet Samuel will make a related point in 1SA 16:7, and it'll be a recurring theme: 2CH 16:9, ISA 29:13, JER 17:10, MT 22:37-38.

  ⌖ Map: Abraham in Canaan, Beersheba, Abraham's Well

GE 22:1-19
Abraham’s faith is tested with Isaac
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